Environmental Impairment

Environmental impairment liability insurance, is a type of insurance coverage designed to protect businesses against financial losses resulting from accidental releases or spills of hazardous substances that cause pollution or environmental damage. This coverage helps businesses manage the costs associated with cleanup, remediation, and liability claims arising from environmental incidents.

Spillage cover provides financial protection for businesses in the event of accidental spills, leaks, or releases of hazardous substances that result in pollution or environmental damage. This coverage applies to both sudden, accidental releases and gradual, long-term pollution events.

This Insurance Product comes in two optional Sections:

A. Transport Clean-up Solution

1.This cover is designed to protect transporters of dangerous goods and potential pollutants from the extensive costs of pollution and rehabilitation following an environmental incident. Potential pollutants can include items as diverse as food products, paint and detergents.

B.The cover include

1.Emergency response and spillage containment

2.Clean-up and rehabilitation

3.Environmental and ecological restoration

4.1st and 3rd party clean-up cost

5.Loading and offloading

2.Side Clean-up Solutions

1.This Product is mostly purchased by fuel distributors and companies that stores hazardous goods such as gas stations, factories and mines. it covers the  environmental incidents arising from any above-ground storage tanks, underground storage tanks and silos.

2.The cover extends to loses occurred during the loading and offloading and it includes products in the manufacturing process, warehousing and yard storage.

3.This cover is designed to protect owners and operators of Dangerous Goods and potential pollutants from the extensive costs of pollution and rehabilitation following an environmental incident.